Thursday, March 29, 2012

The March!

We pretty much skipped Spring and it's like Summer down here already.  I'm hoping we'll have a mild Summer like we had a mild Winter! 

We took advantage of the awesome weather and headed to the beach for some fun. 

I came really close to leaving my camera in the condo.....thank goodness I changed my mind!  I got some really great shots of some fun cousin play time!

Hannah Cate leads the charge into the freezing water!

So excited to feel the sand between her toes!

Love this one!  AJ is going to have to be like the brother they will never have!
Ready, Set, Go.....
Now hurry and come back!  Love the joy on all of their faces!
Why are you taking so many pictures??
Oh these girls!

AJ watching over his flock

Little Bit did make the trip, but she stayed up in the condo with Mimi and Aunt Shashe.  Still had to document that she was there!

1 comment:

e said...

SALLY!!!! GREAT pictures!!!! I see a Sally Miller Photography business in your future!

(ps: lets get together at the beach soon!)