Today you are three months old! Some days I feel like time is absolutely flying, yet at the same time I have trouble remembering life without you. I'm sure I will say this every month, but you have done a lot of changing in your third month of life. You are smiling all the time now, big full out grins. My favorite thing is when I go in to get you in your crib in the mornings or after a nap and you greet me with that precious smile. It just melts my heart because I know that you know me, that I am your Mom and that I am going to take care of you and you are glad to see me. You have stopped crying when you first wake up, and instead you just lay in your crib and "talk" until Daddy or I come to get you. You are pretty much sleeping through the night now, which has been great for all of us!
I started back to work this month, but since I'm working from home you get to stay here with me most days. You have proven to be a great office mate and let me get my work done. On Tuesdays you go to "Nini Daycare". Nini and Dee-Da take such good care of you when you stay with them and they love on you all day long. I am so thankful that you can stay with people that love you as much as we do. It gives me a full day without any interruptions and I really appreciate their help. I do miss you when you are gone though and am so excited to see you when Daddy brings you home with him. The first week that I started working again, Mimi came to stay with us to help us get adjusted. It was quite the week! I realized that I had been holding you pretty much non-stop since you were born. So, when we started to make the shift to taking naps in your crib you were not very excited. After the week was over, you had made the switch and you haven't looked back ever since. Thank goodness for Mimi or I would never have made it through that week! Now we are working on going to sleep without being rocked for 20 minutes and you are getting the hang of that one too.
You made it through your first hurricane scare this month. His name was Gustav and it was looking like he might come pay us a visit, but fortunately for us and unfortunately for others he made landfall in Louisiana. It wasn't as bad as hurricanes before, and was really just a thunderstorm here. We're not out of the woods yet this hurricane season, but I hope you won't experience any more close calls this year!
You are trying so desperately to roll over and I have laughed so hard watching you. You get the most determined look on your face and kick your legs and sway your hips. It's just a matter of days and you are going to find yourself on your stomach. I just know that when you get there you are probably not going to be very happy and will probably wonder why you wanted to roll over so badly! But none-the-less you are trying so hard and we are rooting for you. I'll report back next month on how you did!
You are still loving your playmat and have discovered yourself in the mirror. You are quite fond of the "baby in the mirror" that looks back at you and spend most of your time talking to her and smiling at her.
You have finally discovered your hands. You will hold them up in front of your face and just look at them and clasp them together and eventually make sure that they find their way into your mouth! You still seem to prefer your left hand, so we are thinking that you just might be a lefty. Only time will tell on that one.
You still love to be swaddled when you sleep and I think Daddy is afraid that we are still going to be swaddling you when you are 10 years old! Your paci is still the ultimate soother, it works like a charm. I'm not sure what we are going to do if you ever decide you don't like it anymore! You are trying to suck your fingers/thumb, but most of the time you just end up with your whole fist in your mouth. Sometimes when a finger gets free you end up gagging yourself, we try not to laugh at you but sometimes it sure is funny.
Your hair has started to fall out, mostly in the front. I keep wondering what it's going to look like when it comes back in. In certain lights there is definitely a red tint to your hair, but for the most part it's a dark brown. Your eyes are still a very pretty shade of blue.
You really are a happy baby and we have been so thankful for your sweet disposition. There are not many times that I can recall where you cried inconsolably and couldn't be soothed. I wonder if that means we are in for it when you hit the toddler years? Oh well, if so, we'll cross that bridge when we get there and for now we are going to be proud of the sweet baby that you are!
With all of the changes that have happened this month, one thing that hasn't changed is how much I love being your Mama. You have changed our lives, but only for the better. You are one loved girl!
Hugs and Kisses!
Sally, you are a precious Mama! I can't believe she is 3 months old!
Happy 3 months sweet Hannah Cate! I'm sorry your uncle and I can't be there to watch you change in person, but your mama, Mimi, and Granddaddy keep us updated on you! We can't wait to see you soon when you get to meet your cousin A.J.!
Love to you, your mama, and your daddy!
Aunt Emily & Uncle Mick
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