You are five months old today and it's so hard to believe. Part of me wonders where the time has gone and then another part can hardly remember our lives without you. My heart overflows with the love that you have brought into our family. Your Daddy and I often just sit back and stare at you in awe that you are really ours. I wish I could bottle you up so that I will never forget the noises you make, the way you smell, the way you feel in my arms and all the little things you do.
You've started to laugh this month and I can't think of a sweeter sound! You grab at anything and everything within your reach. You still love your paci. Your hair is falling out on the left side of your head because that's your favorite side to sleep on. You know the sight of a bottle coming and immediately open your mouth and kick your legs. We often taunt you with it just to get your reactions. We're still nursing, but it's become increasingly difficult because of your constant curiosity of your surroundings. You like to know what is going on at all times! You have taken to your lovies, especially your pig that Daddy named Theodore for you. You are not really into any food yet. We've tried rice cereal several times without much luck. Applesauce made you shiver and gag. Bananas were okay but most of it ended up on your shirt. Sweet potatoes not so great either. So, we've given up for awhile. You'll eat when you are ready. You roll over at will now, front to back and back to front. You are spitting up a storm, pursing your lips and makes us laugh so hard, but I'm really afraid that there might be a tooth coming to blame! You are sleeping a consistent nine hours at night and taking 3 good naps during the day. You really are such a good baby. So content with life and with such a sweet disposition.
Just this month I can tell that you know who we are and each time you glace at me and smile, simply at the sight of me, it melts my heart. I've never felt such unconditional love. I've known it exists between me and the Father, but never felt it in such a tangible way. You point me to Him in so many ways.
I've been searching for a verse that I can claim for you. That I can memorize just for you and share with you often. I found it last week and now that it's in my head I'll be saying it to you for as long as I live. My prayer is that you will come to know this truth in your life, that you will cling to it all the days of your life.
Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you; He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
I love you precious baby girl!
Click here for pictures from our entire month
1 comment:
Sally, I love that verse! What a precious mom you are. :)
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