Ryan, Matt, Jeremy and Jami
A few months before Matt's 30th Birthday, I started thinking about ways that we could celebrate. Matt's really not a big party person, so I knew he wouldn't really appreciate the traditional surprise party or bash. I wanted to do something meaningful and something he would remember for a long, long time. The one thing he's talked and talked about wanting to do is take a trip out to Oregon to go to Applegate church. It's a special place for Matt (and therefore me) and the Lord has done a work in his life through that church and Jon Courson (Senior Pastor).
So, I started there and began to plan a surprise Birthday trip around Sunday worship at Applegate. I planned for us to fly into San Francisco on his actual Birthday (May 28) spend two nights in the city. Then we would drive 5ish hours north to the JH Ranch on Saturday and spend the day there and then head to Medford, OR on Saturday night so we could make it to Applegate on Sunday. Then we would drive the 6ish hours back to San Francisco Sunday afternoon and fly back home on Monday morning. My Dad was all set to keep Hannah Cate in Birmingham while we were gone (thank you Granddaddy!).
It's probably the hardest secret I have ever tried to keep in my life. On numerous occasions I thought for sure he knew because he would mention just wanting so badly to go to Applegate for worship or wanting to go to JH Ranch. I was finally broken about a week before we were set to leave and the San Francisco Giants were playing and our TV just happened to be tuned in. We were eating dinner and Matt made the comment that they have one of the best parks in the country and that he would really love to go to a game there. I had not even thought about going to a baseball game while we were there, what else had I not thought of that he would really want to do? So that was it, I decided I had to go ahead and tell him. So, I went and got my planning folder with all the details of the trip and put a bow on it and gave him his Birthday present a week early. It was still such a fun surprise and he was so, so excited. I think he was thankful to have some time to mentally prepare to leave for several days and also have some input on some of the things we would do. Here's a recap in pictures of our trip.
We let no time go wasted on this trip! Our plane landed at 5:30pm and we hopped on the MUNI (San Fran's version of the subway) and headed downtown to check into our hotel. We barely dropped off our bags and headed down the street to grab a quick dinner and then we headed to see Wicked at the Orpheum Theatre. Neither of us had seen it and we both absolutely loved it! Such an incredible production and we would see it again in a heartbeat!
So, I started there and began to plan a surprise Birthday trip around Sunday worship at Applegate. I planned for us to fly into San Francisco on his actual Birthday (May 28) spend two nights in the city. Then we would drive 5ish hours north to the JH Ranch on Saturday and spend the day there and then head to Medford, OR on Saturday night so we could make it to Applegate on Sunday. Then we would drive the 6ish hours back to San Francisco Sunday afternoon and fly back home on Monday morning. My Dad was all set to keep Hannah Cate in Birmingham while we were gone (thank you Granddaddy!).
It's probably the hardest secret I have ever tried to keep in my life. On numerous occasions I thought for sure he knew because he would mention just wanting so badly to go to Applegate for worship or wanting to go to JH Ranch. I was finally broken about a week before we were set to leave and the San Francisco Giants were playing and our TV just happened to be tuned in. We were eating dinner and Matt made the comment that they have one of the best parks in the country and that he would really love to go to a game there. I had not even thought about going to a baseball game while we were there, what else had I not thought of that he would really want to do? So that was it, I decided I had to go ahead and tell him. So, I went and got my planning folder with all the details of the trip and put a bow on it and gave him his Birthday present a week early. It was still such a fun surprise and he was so, so excited. I think he was thankful to have some time to mentally prepare to leave for several days and also have some input on some of the things we would do. Here's a recap in pictures of our trip.
We let no time go wasted on this trip! Our plane landed at 5:30pm and we hopped on the MUNI (San Fran's version of the subway) and headed downtown to check into our hotel. We barely dropped off our bags and headed down the street to grab a quick dinner and then we headed to see Wicked at the Orpheum Theatre. Neither of us had seen it and we both absolutely loved it! Such an incredible production and we would see it again in a heartbeat!
On Friday we did the typical sightseeing adventures. Including a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. You will notice that it was definitely the end of May, but very chilly in San Fran. Good thing we were prepared and took our jackets!
It was pretty foggy, but still a sight to see none-the-less
We spent the day doing lots of walking through Fisherman's Wharf, making a stop at Boudin's bakery for lunch and the Godiva shop to watch them make chocolate and have a sundae. We took the trolley car back up to our hotel, which was a fun way to get to see the city.
After what seemed like a three hour walk to try to find the REI store, we headed back down to Fisherman's Wharf for dinner at Scoma's. It was wonderful as many people had told us to expect.
Then we headed to AT&T park to catch a Giant's game. They were playing the St. Louis Cardinals and they won. I haven't been to many major league games and it was quite the experience. I was amazed by how nice the park was and by all the food options, not just your average hot dogs and popcorn, I'm talking gourmet! We ended up with great seats!
These crazy people sit in their little boats, just over the wall of the park, hoping to catch home run balls. How crazy considering it was especially cold that night!
We spent the night in Medford and then got up the next morning and headed over to Jacksonville (just about 20 minutes) for church. I think we would both say this was the highlight of the trip. I had no idea how special and meaningful it would turn out to be. First of all, look at the setting. This is where this church worships every Sunday in the summer, can you imagine? And it's not the ridiculously hot and humid weather we are used to in the deep south summer, it's warm but certainly bearable. Just an incredible setting!
We left that place changed people. Refreshed. I pray that we are never again the same.
We headed back South towards San Francisco and took as many scenic routes as we could. We got some great views of Mt. Shasta, again special to Matt as he has climbed it three times with The Ranch.
We also drove down the Pacific Coast Highway for awhile just taking in the incredible views.
We had a great time and I think it was exactly what we needed. I won't lie and say that I didn't miss the baby girl that was waiting for us when we got home, but it was a much needed get away for Matt and I.....one we will never, ever forget.
Happy 30th Birthday, Matt! I can't wait to celebrate 30 more (plus) with you!
Happy 30th Birthday, Matt! I can't wait to celebrate 30 more (plus) with you!