Sunday, May 10, 2009

11 Months!

Dear Precious One,

What a special day that we get to celebrate eleven months with you in our lives.....Today is Mother's Day! I'm so thankful that it is you that has made me a Mama and this year I'm celebrating Mother's Day as a Mama for the first (official) time. You made this month extra special by calling me Mama all on your own, with intention and purpose. We officially declared it your first word. Sometimes it comes out more as MMMMMMMama or Mamamamamama, but none the less it's been a pretty special thing to hear come out of your mouth!

It's hard to believe that we only have one month left before your big day. I've been realizing over the past few weeks that there won't be many more times that I'll be thinking "this time last year we were...." without you in those thoughts or memories. I've been remembering how we felt over that last month before you came. We had such anticipation and excitement and wonder over what you would be like, what you would look like, who you would look like, what our lives would look like with you in it and what we would be like as parents. Had we prepared enough? Could we (and I really mean we) make it through labor and delivery? Did we have everything that we needed to take care of you? Could we survive without sleep? Could we love another human being more than we loved ourselves?

And the answer to that last question has proven, to me, to be the only real question we should have asked ourselves because it's the only thing that really matters. If we could find a way to love you more than we loved ourselves, then everything else just falls into place. Lucky for us, it's a package deal. With you, came more love than I could have ever imagined. More love for the dear Lord and Jesus. More love between me and your Daddy. More love for our family and friends. An indescribable love for you, our special and precious blessing. Without a doubt, I love you more than I ever could have imagined possible. Sometimes I think my heart will break for the tender love that I have for you. And with that love, nothing else has mattered. Not the sleepless nights, the extra pounds, the countless dollars spent or the pain of delivery. You are worth it all!

I'm so glad that you are ours and that you are the reason I get to be called a Mama and celebrate today.

I love you my baby girl!

1 comment:

The Hokansons said...

My sweet niece Hannah Cate,

I hope you know what a lucky girl you are to have such a wonderful mama and daddy! I can't wait to see you in one month! You are truly a beautiful (and obviously brilliant... reading at 11 months...) little girl.

Love you almost as much as your mama!
Aunt Emily