Monday, May 11, 2009

Hannah Cate, it's not nice to pick favorites!

I've been hearing that Hannah Cate has been giving a certain someone in our lives preferential treatment.

I experienced it for myself yesterday (on Mother's Day no less!).

Matt's been telling me that DeeDa has become Hannah Cate's favorite. She cries when he leaves the room and she even cried when Matt took her from him the other day to kiss her goodbye. Well, yesterday he was holding her before lunch and I thought I would try to break the spell. No such luck! He was holding her and I reached my arms out to take her and normally she would stretch out her arms and reach for me back. Not this time. Instead, she turned her back and would have nothing to do with me.

Deeda is officially the favorite!


Sally Miller said...

I will be working on changing that next week---

Christy said...

Isabella is reaching for my grandmother now when I'm holding her. It just started recently. It means they're becoming more independent... sweet pictures!

Scotty & Lisa said...

So sweet!!