We had one excited little girl on our hands!

It was a beautiful day and despite the traffic we got there in plenty of time to see the band, cheerleaders and the team run out on the field! I think it was a bit overwhelming for Hannah Cate, she was pretty clingy but she really seemed to like it too!
We even got to see Aubie pretty up close. This was close enough for Hannah Cate. She likes to talk about Aubie, but she would rather not get too close. She's really never been a fan of mascots or walking/talking characters. I asked her if she wanted me to take her down to see Aubie and she was not interested in the least! She kept wanting to know where he was, I think to keep her eye on him and make sure he wasn't getting too close. Eventually she started saying "Where is Aubie? Aubie not get me?".
It was hotter than I thought it was going to be, so we made a drink run pretty early in the first quarter. Not long after we got back from a break in the shade Hannah Cate looked at me and said "Mommy, I all done War Eagle". Hilarious! I looked at the game clock - 10:24 left in the 1st Quarter. Glad we picked the ULM game and were able to find friends that were not using their tickets who graciously gave them to us! We stayed through the end of the first quarter and were able to enjoy Auburn while most everyone else stayed in the game.
She loved playing on the lawn in front of Samford and sitting on the Auburn sign.
I love this girl so much!
We can only pray that we'll get to replicate this family picture in about 16 years when we are dropping her off for some of the best years of her life!
We headed back to Birmingham to get Moo and show her some of the tricks that we learned from watching the football players live and in person.
And of course spend some time with G-Daddy
But I know she had a good time playing with G-Daddy and Me Rose.
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