Hannah Cate is at such a fun age. We are constantly amazed at the things she says and the things she understands at such a young age. She's so impressionable, which really keeps Matt and I accountable to the things we say and the way we treat each other. You can't slip much by this sweet girl!
My Grandmother (Mom's Mom) kept a book of things that Emily and I said when we were little. Things we said at her house and things Mom told her that we said. It's one of my favorite things to look through - such a treasure to have those memories. To this day, Mom reminds us of things that are in "the book". I've known that I wanted to make sure to keep a record of the things the girls say, but I can hardly believe I'm already to that point with Hannah Cate.
One day I'll put them in a book, but for now I think the blog is the best place - plus all of you will get the joy and laughs that we get on a daily basis!
One day the girls and I were in Maddie's room. I was changing Maddie's diaper and Hannah Cate was playing. The day before she had pulled all of the empty coat hangers off the bottom shelf of Maddie's closet and they were sprawled all over the closet floor - there were probably 15 or so hangers laying on the floor. Hannah Cate said to me - "Mommy, who make-uh this mess?" To which I responded, "Hannah Cate, you did that!" She spouts back with, "What are we gonna do with me?"
All of us were in the kitchen one night getting ready for dinner. Matt and I were talking. At one point Matt must have said something to me in a stronger tone than normal and Hannah Cate quickly interjected with, "Daddy, be sweet to Mommy!" We died laughing!
Earlier this year Hannah Cate started participating in prayer time before bed. I would always ask her who she wanted to pray for. Without fail, she always started with Mimi (my Mom) and Papa. Looking back I have no doubt she "knew" that Mimi was going to need those prayers more than anyone else this year!
There is a cross that hangs on the wall in Hannah Cate's room, right above the light switch. One night during her "who are we going to pray for" recital she said "pray for the cross". I thought I was going to cry. Now she asks to pray for the cross almost every night and we thank the Lord for what the cross means in our salvation and we pray for the day that Hannah Cate truly can grasp the meaning. Oh to have faith like a child!
She's not a complete angel, she also asks to pray for her piggy bank!
The last of the prayer time stories - at least for now. During our "who do you want to pray for" time I'll continue to ask Hannah Cate "who else/what else" until she just stops talking. Well, recently she's started listed a few people/things and quickly says, "That's it". I guess you gotta draw the line somewhere!
My Grandmother (Mom's Mom) kept a book of things that Emily and I said when we were little. Things we said at her house and things Mom told her that we said. It's one of my favorite things to look through - such a treasure to have those memories. To this day, Mom reminds us of things that are in "the book". I've known that I wanted to make sure to keep a record of the things the girls say, but I can hardly believe I'm already to that point with Hannah Cate.
One day I'll put them in a book, but for now I think the blog is the best place - plus all of you will get the joy and laughs that we get on a daily basis!
One day the girls and I were in Maddie's room. I was changing Maddie's diaper and Hannah Cate was playing. The day before she had pulled all of the empty coat hangers off the bottom shelf of Maddie's closet and they were sprawled all over the closet floor - there were probably 15 or so hangers laying on the floor. Hannah Cate said to me - "Mommy, who make-uh this mess?" To which I responded, "Hannah Cate, you did that!" She spouts back with, "What are we gonna do with me?"
All of us were in the kitchen one night getting ready for dinner. Matt and I were talking. At one point Matt must have said something to me in a stronger tone than normal and Hannah Cate quickly interjected with, "Daddy, be sweet to Mommy!" We died laughing!
Earlier this year Hannah Cate started participating in prayer time before bed. I would always ask her who she wanted to pray for. Without fail, she always started with Mimi (my Mom) and Papa. Looking back I have no doubt she "knew" that Mimi was going to need those prayers more than anyone else this year!
There is a cross that hangs on the wall in Hannah Cate's room, right above the light switch. One night during her "who are we going to pray for" recital she said "pray for the cross". I thought I was going to cry. Now she asks to pray for the cross almost every night and we thank the Lord for what the cross means in our salvation and we pray for the day that Hannah Cate truly can grasp the meaning. Oh to have faith like a child!
She's not a complete angel, she also asks to pray for her piggy bank!
The last of the prayer time stories - at least for now. During our "who do you want to pray for" time I'll continue to ask Hannah Cate "who else/what else" until she just stops talking. Well, recently she's started listed a few people/things and quickly says, "That's it". I guess you gotta draw the line somewhere!
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