Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Maddie Goes to School

My sweet Maddie girls started school this week. Just look how big and proud she is with that bag!

She has been wanting to go to school like "Sissy" for awhile now.  I took her with me one day to drop off HC and she cried when she realized she wasn't getting to stay!  Our problem was HC's school didn't offer a 3 day program for Maddie's age and we didn't want them going on totally different days.  So, we found Maddie a new school.  It's not ideal going to two different places, but hopefully we'll just do this for one year.  Maddie's school is so sweet and I've been really impressed with the staff and how kind they have been to my baby girl.

She's our spit-fire and I'll be honest and say that I was a little worried about how she would do. So far we've gotten nothing but glowing reports from her teacher!

On her first day she walked right in and never even looked back.  I couldn't believe it.  So proud of my girl! 

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