We are thrilled and just so thankful for a healthy baby. The sweet ultrasound tech, Michelle, said that our girl looks healthy. She weighed in today at a whopping 8 oz, which according to my pregnancy books is right on track for 18 weeks. They measured her femur bone (thigh bone) and it is exactly 1 inch long. She is a tiny little thing, but I already have so much love for her in my heart.
At lunch Matt was already considering the various "funds" that need to be started now that we know it's a girl. He said he was going to go ahead and start the wedding fund today! Several people have asked how Matt is doing, are girls really that expensive??
Here are a few of the ultrsound pictures that we got today, and a few pictures of me and my expanding waist.

I know this one is kind of random, but it's really for Matt. He had a very hard time distinguishing all of the body parts via ultrasound, so when he shouted out "That's her foot!" the ultrasound tech got so excited that she made a special picture just for Matt.

This one is from today, it took us a few shots to realize that a white shirt (I had on a purple shirt initially) would probably work a little better for the purposes off showing my changing tummy!
My guess is that everyone's next question is going to be "What will her name be?" I'll go ahead and fill you in that we are 99% sure that her name will be Hannah Catherine Miller and we will call her Hannah. I have had that name picked out for some time now and Matt just so happens to really like it too. Catherine is a family name on both sides....Matt's Mom and Grandmother both have the middle name Catherine (one spells it with a "C" and the other with a "K") and my great-aunt on my Mom's, Dad's side was named Catherine. So there you have it.
I go back to see the actual doctor on Wednesday (I just had the ultrasound today) so if there is any more exciting baby news after that visit, I'll be sure to let you know!
Please continue to pray with us during this journey. We are excited to share in it with you and just feel like the Lord has truly given us a gift that we don't deserve.
Thanks for checking in on us! I'm off to buy some girly baby stuff!
Congrats on the baby Girl!!!! I'm sure she is going to be beautiful! I hope she's got some red hair like are precious Mary Fuller. LUCY
SO exciting!!! Sweet little Hannah will be so very blessed. CONGRATS!
Laura Collins
I can't wait to meet precious Hannah. I'm sure that you will be visiting Tiny Town very soon! :) Congratulations! Much Love, Julie Schach
I hope she has red hair, too!! I am so excited that you are having a girl!!!
I am sooo excited for you guys!! We all just knew it was going to be a GIRL!! Now that I am learning to smock, I am so excited I have someone I can start using pink for!!
PTL!! we love those baby girls! and i love the name hannah too. AND aren't you beautiful with that little tummy...
love you so much friend.
jenny nickoli
Hey Little Sister & B-I-L!
I love the pics of my sweet baby niece! I wish I could be there to share this time with you, but know that I'm going to clean Eugene out of everything pink I can find!!! (Sorry Matt!)
Love to all three of you!!!
I love that name. Being a natural redhead is fantastic, I have to cheat to be a redhead. What a thrill to have a baby girl in the family, we have bunches of boys and need some girls I am sure she will be beautiful just like her mom (and dad).
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