Monday, March 24, 2008

Breaking Him In

To say Matt doesn't have much experience in caring for babies/children might be an understatement. Growing up, he was the baby, so he was always the one being cared for and then later in life (like most young men) he just didn't take a special liking to kids.

Fast forward to today. We are three months away from having a sweet little baby of our own!

I have been keeping the babies in the nursery at our church during the 8:30 service and then go back home to get Matt and we go to the late service together. I've done it without him for over a year....until yesterday! I got to thinking on Saturday that I would probably have more babies than normal on Easter, especially during the early service because families would have lunch plans and such to get home for. I managed to convince Matt that I could really use his help in the nursery and would really appreciate if he would be willing to come with me just this once. He agreed on Saturday, and then after some more coaxing on Sunday morning, we were on our way!

At first it looked as though my assumption was terribly wrong, we only had one sweet baby girl for the first few minutes. In typical Matt fashion, he was already trying to get out of staying. My persistence won out, thankfully, because a few late comers showed up and we ended up with five babies, all nine months or younger. I know it doesn't sound like a lot....but please try to imagine me handling all of them by myself, with a baby of my own in my tummy. I definitely needed Matt's help.

In the beginning, he kind of hung out in the back of the room, surveying all that was going on as I took instructions on how to care for each baby from their parents. Then it was just the two of us, and before long three of the five were screaming their heads off! I thought Matt might start crying too. It really was a sight to see. It was mass chaos for a little while, but Matt pulled through like a trooper. He kept an eye on the "happy" babies and made sure they didn't fall over as they pulled up on an exersaucer or didn't get stuck as they crawled under the exersaucer or didn't choke on the cheerios they were eating. I did my best to soothe the "unhappy" babies, as this was the part that seemed to get the best of Matt. I really tried to assure him that when Hannah Cate was here, that she would be much more easily soothed by one of us. I think he was skeptical though!

In the end he did really well and was a huge help. He was really glad to see that last parent come and hand over those babies! I just might have ruined Hannah Cate's chances of ever having a brother or sister, but we still have some time to work on that! By the end of the day, after he had time to process his time in the nursery, I do think he decided this parenting thing was going to be an adventure and one that he's ready for! It's a good thing......

We thoroughly enjoyed the rest of our Easter Sunday. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as we sang Chris Tomlin's version of Amazing Grace during worship.

My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, Amazing grace

Blessings to you and may you rest in the hope and peace we have in Christ because He is risen indeed!


e said...

Sally, I wish you could have seen the smile on my face as I read that post! I can't help but laugh picturing that hubby of yours in that scene! Troy would have been the same way! Hannah Cate will certainly be more soothed by the two of you but what a great way to break him in! Tell him I said I think he should go every week! :-)

Emily Chappell said...

I am very impressed with ole Matt!! He didn't even mention it at lunch. You should make him keep coming, and by the time Hannah Cate gets here it will be so easy to just care for one!!

Courtney said...

Way to go Matt!!! What a great way to introduce him to the world of newborns. I can't wait for him to be playing with Hannah Cate in a few short months...she will be here before you know it!

Anonymous said...

Okay, the hormones are kicking in... I was laughing picturing Matt in the nursery, then got to the end and started crying when you put the note about Amazing Grace... You really shouldn't do that to your pregnant sister. :-) Matt- You're going to be a great daddy to sweet baby Hannah. I'm sure just the sound of your voice will be enough to calm her.
Miss and love you three much!

Jason and Laura Brantley said...

Sally, hey its Laura Whitlark Brantley..I am so glad i stumbled across your blog! First congratulations on Hannah Cate! And I laughed at your blog because Jason was just like Matt, but it is so true that it is different when they are your own - and you also have to remind Matt that you won't have 5 babies all under 9 months at one time in your home ever.

The Nebrigs said...

I love it!!! Matt will pull through like a champ!