Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Can your husband sew?

Mine can't, but Krista's can!

In Michael's defense, he did point out that he does this everyday....just in people's mouths. He is a fabulous dentist. He's starting a practice now (http://www.southerndentistry.com/) so if you are in the area check him out! Even if you are not in the area, he's worth traveling for! Hopefully he won't be too mad at me for outing his great sewing skills since I've given him free advertising for the new practice!

Krista used her fabulous talents to help me with the curtains in Hannah Cate's nursery. I took her my idea and fabric and she did all the work for me! Thank you Michael and Krista.....we absolutely love it!


e said...

oh they look GREAT!! and when I saw the title of your post i thought..MATT can sew?? wouldn't have guessed that :-)
we are on the market for a good dentist so your marketing just might have worked!

The Nebrigs said...

oh sally you are too sweet!! I am pretty sure michael will forgive you for telling the the world he can sew in trade for the free advertising!!!

Jason and Laura Brantley said...

those curtains are precious!!!

Emily Chappell said...

So pretty!! They look great. I know you are glad to have the nursery done!

Amanda said...

Wow I'm impressed. That drapery is beautiful!!
Amanda Bowen Owens

Emalee said...

I've read Krista's comments on how great y'all are to have as friends. I didn't realize that your husband was a good friend from Auburn days. It's been fun to read some of your posts and see your beautiful daughter. Congrats!