Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Old Friend

I've been spending time with an old friend this week and it has been much needed time! I have missed her terribly. I have had a hard time making time for her since the baby was born. She's the type of friend that I really need to spend time with by myself, just me and her without interruptions. Hannah Cate doesn't fit very well into that equation! I've scheduled a few times to get together and cancelled because I've been busy or tired or just lazy. But now I am remembering that I always leave my time with her feeling refreshed and empowered. She makes me feel better about myself, she's just that kind of friend. I'm glad to have her back! You may know her too and feel the same way about her.....her name is exercise!

1 comment:

Emily Chappell said...

For some reason me and exercise don't really hit it off that well. :)