Baby girl #1 is sporting a new ponytail!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Smiles and Ponytails
Baby girl #1 is sporting a new ponytail!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
School Days
I hope it doesn't sound like we needed to "ship" her off, because really this is just as much for her (if not more) than it is for us. The girl absolutely loves to play (be around) with other kids and she loves to be outside. Moving on....that was my version of releasing a little bit of guilt.
The first day was a little hard, Hannah Cate and I both cried when I dropped her off, but the tears didn't last long and she got a glowing report when I picked her up. In the two short days that she's been there she has already taken a class picture, participated in a baby parade and worked on an art project that will be coming home soon. I miss her when she's gone but I know this is going to be a place and time that she's going to grow to love. I just can't believe how grown up she is getting!
Here are a few pictures from her first day!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Back to it....
Now it hasn't been all easy and I've missed the dedicated time with Matt and the girls.
So I don't really have an assistant and an officemate here working with me, I have two children who just happen to both be under the age of two. I know people wonder how in the world I'm going to work from home with two babies. I wondered that myself, so I hired a nanny. Meet my nanny.
He's done great so far. I think he's going to work out just fine. Plus he's cheap, so I think we'll keep him!
In all seriousness, I am so thankful to work for a company that not only allows me to work from home, but allows me to work from home with two children. What a blessing! And the Lord has provided Matt with a flexible job and a schedule that just absolutely suits our needs for this time in our lives. And then there's Nini and Deeda who so graciously keep Hannah Cate two days a week and will likely start keeping Maddie one day a week. We couldn't do it without them.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My Girls
And speaking of my girls....they are sleeping right now. At.the.same.time. Glory!
I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I have had two cups of coffee (decaf mind you). I have actually eaten breakfast. I'm showered with my hair done and make-up on. My teeth are brushed. My house is clean (relatively speaking). The dishwasher is empty. The washer and dryer are running. The pictures are downloaded from my camera. I've checked my email and even responded to a few.
It's nice to have just a few minutes to myself.
I haven't had much time to write my thoughts on having two babies. It's work, hard work. I had no idea. I thought I did, but I really wasn't even close. Thank goodness for my dear husband. I can't imagine how single parents do it. Matt and I, we are a good team, but it's still hard. Some days I feel like this:
It helps to have such sweet girls to share this journey with.....they make all the hard days worth it. So worth it!
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Moral of the Story

We left with a cherry tree that will one day look like this:

Poor Matt, he can't escape the pink and all things girl.
So, the moral of the story is, don't let your wife and daughters go tree shopping with you!