Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Girls

Oh how I love these girls! This picture makes me laugh so hard. Sweet Hannah Cate, I mean, look at that expression. I can only imagine just what exactly is going through her mind! And my Maddie girl, so laid back in the presence of her big sister who is always bestowing her with sweet kisses....that is when she is not poking her in the eye in an effort to show me that she does in fact know where her her baby sister's eyes are!

And speaking of my girls....they are sleeping right now. At.the.same.time. Glory!

I'm not really sure what to do with myself. I have had two cups of coffee (decaf mind you). I have actually eaten breakfast. I'm showered with my hair done and make-up on. My teeth are brushed. My house is clean (relatively speaking). The dishwasher is empty. The washer and dryer are running. The pictures are downloaded from my camera. I've checked my email and even responded to a few.

It's nice to have just a few minutes to myself.

I haven't had much time to write my thoughts on having two babies. It's work, hard work. I had no idea. I thought I did, but I really wasn't even close. Thank goodness for my dear husband. I can't imagine how single parents do it. Matt and I, we are a good team, but it's still hard. Some days I feel like this:

But, it's getting easier. It really seems like with each new day it gets easier. We are getting into a routine and a rhythm and we are figuring this new life out. I'm not sure we are to the point where we are ready to say "Welcome to paradise" (remember this?) but I am pretty sure we will get there!

It helps to have such sweet girls to share this journey with.....they make all the hard days worth it. So worth it!


The LaVecchia's said...

Those are sweet babies you have there! And, it will get easier. So there's hope! Around month 4 with Livee was like a miraculous turnaround. And now that she's almost 8 months, we're cruising right along!

e said...

i LOVE this post!!! your girls are so precious and YES, thank the Lord for teammates/spouses!! i'm feeling totally guilty of husband neglect these days, i don't know that we've finished a conversation that doesn't involve children in the last 4 months BUT i'm thankful to know he is in the trenches with me! and what a blessing these trenches are! Glad you and Matt have each other!

Emily said...

I love their matching outfits. And Maddie's crossed eyes. :)