Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why I am not Blogging

I've been trying, I really have. Having two "babies" is work, hard work. It's keeping us very busy. Here's just a short and quick example of why I just can't find the time to blog.

Thank goodness they are both so cute and loveable. It makes times like this one laughable!

Hopefully we'll be having less of these type moments and I can tell you more about the good things that are going on around here soon!


The LaVecchia's said...

This too shall pass. It's not any easier adding the second even when there is a 4 year age difference, if that makes you feel any better! Hang in there guys!

e said...

i'm laughing so hard i can't breathe. i LOVE matt's commentary. we've been there lots lately too!

McKt said...

I promise it gets better! I didn't blog at all for the first 6 months of my second's life (or sleep very much for that matter), but when I did start blogging I was a able to blog about the adorable things they were doing together. You will blink and it will be here.

Courtney said...

SO funny! I totally understand! If you figure out how to juggle two kids please let me know because I totally haven't figured it out yet!