Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Call her Maddie Moo-Moo

She turned six months old on Sunday.

All I can think is "ooooooooohhhhhhh" where did the time go?

Half of a year.

In pre-baby days a half of a year was a long time. In post-baby days it goes by in the blink of an eye.

Sweet Sister Maddie Moo-Moo,
You are a true delight. You make our hearts swell with your free-flowing and gracious smiles. I feel better about myself when I'm around you because you are so quick to flash me your toothless (but not for much longer) grin. You have the kindest blue eyes. I can already tell that you are going to have a very gracious spirit. I'm taking in your sweet snuggles as much as I can because I know before long you will be off chasing your big sister and won't have as much time to cuddle. In an instant you stole my heart for the third time. I love you sweet girl and we are so blessed to call you ours.

My love,

PS- I promise we'll stop calling you Moo-Moo before you start Kindergarten, you have my word!

1 comment:

The Hokansons said...

Happy 1/2 year my sweet niece!! Love you so much!
Aunt Emily