Tuesday, June 7, 2011


About a month ago Hannah Cate started telling us that she was a ballerina and would do a little turn around move with her hands above her head. I thought maybe it was time to give ballet lessons a try. Nini and Da stepped in and gifted her lessons for her Birthday. They started this morning and I'm not sure I've ever seen anything more precious! Hannah Cate did great and followed instructions exceptionally well - much better than I expected. This is the only class they will let the parents sit in on until the end, so I made sure to get my fair share of pictures. So sweet!

As a funny side note - the teacher kindly pointed out that Hannah Cate's "ballet slippers" were in reality nothing more than bedroom slippers. Oops. Rookie mistake I suppose. We certainly paid a visit to the dance studio's store and purchased her some official ballet slippers for next class!


Ryan and Emily said...

How sweet are those pictures!!!

The Hokansons said...

I can't wait for her first recital!! How precious is she?? Love ya'll!

thewheelerfamily said...

So sweet! Seems like yesterday with Meg in Ms. Gina's class...love her! By the way, we made the same mistake with the "slippers". Oops!