Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday was on Saturday. It was a great day! I spent a good portion of the day with good friends - lunching and lounging by the pool (kid free!). And I spent the other portion of the day with my sweet family - dinnering, walking by the bay and enjoying an ice cream treat at Mr. Gene's Beans. Another bonus of the day - no trips to labor and delivery! I certainly prefer that we all have our own separate birthdays!

I've been wanting a new lens (50mm f/1.8) for a long time and it came last week for my birthday! I've really enjoyed using it and seeing the different images I can create as compared to my other lens (200mm f/3.5).

I can't wait to get some pics of our new baby girl with my new lens!

1 comment:

e said...

Perfect lens for a newborn!! So glad your birthday was happy!