We celebrated Maddie and her little two year old life!
We started at home on her actual Birthday with balloons and a present.
And a pancake breakfast.
Then we moved the party to her school with cupcakes for her class. Here she is with her buddy Beckton.
I dropped the cupcakes in the parking lot before I ever even made it into the building. Thankfully, a room full of two year olds don't care if they are pretty or not.....they just want the sugar! This sweet girl included!
On Saturday night, we had a special celebration of Maddie with our family at B and Pops house in Orange Beach. In trying to think about what kind of cake Maddie might like for her Birthday, I couldn't think of anything else but her current obsession - The Elf! Even well into January, she was still asking about that elf everyday, wanting to know where he went. She really loved that thing and got so excited to find him every morning. I just couldn't think of anything else that was more fitting for her at this point in life.
And she loved it!
Opening a few presents. This necklace was especially a hit! Santa brought Hannah Cate a necklace for Christmas and somehow forgot to bring Maddie one too. What the heck, Santa? Don't you know little girls fight over necklaces! I bet he won't make that mistake again! Thank goodness for Mary Rose and the Birthday necklace!

The clothes where a hit too! Doesn't everyone need to immediately "try on" their new clothes?!?!
Life just wouldn't be the same without our Maddie. So thankful we get to do life with her everyday - she sure makes it fun!