Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Maddie is T.W.O!

Happy Birthday Maddie-girl!
I'm so thankful for this day, the day you became a part of our family two years ago!  You are shaping up to be the fun one.  You are always on the go, always into something.  You are also our little lover - quick to give out hugs and kisses (tisses as you say).  You are proving to be pretty outgoing too - you never meet a stranger.  I can't tell you how many of the ladies at your school have come up and told me how much they just love you and your great "Maddie hugs".  You make everyone feel loved and important - I cherish that about you.  You've got an aggressive side, but it usually only surfaces when "Sissy" is around.  She aggravates you and you are quick to make it known!  Thankfully, you are quick to make up and say you are sorry when you pull her hair, pinch her, scratch her, hit her have a disagreement.  At the same time, you love each other so much.  You are almost always willing to share with her.  I know you love her because when I ask you what your name is, you say "Hannah Cate".  You also love your other sister, the one you call "Bebe".  I don't think you even realize she actually has a name!  I wouldn't exactly say you are gentle with her, but you do love to love on her and smother her with kisses.  She loves you too and always smiles when she sees you coming.  Oh how I can't wait to watch the three of you grow together. 

I love you Maddie and am proud to be your Mama. 

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