Monday, March 2, 2009

What's in a Name?

What if my name was Sandy?

I get called that by mistake a lot at work.....on the phone, through email, you name really happens pretty frequently, especially lately. Mostly on email when I'm emailing with someone for the first time. They see the S and the Y and I guess just can't help but type Sandy not Sally. I have no idea. I guess there could be some correlations drawn relating to the pitfalls of email in business, laziness of people, lack of attention to detail.....but I won't over analyze. I'll just add Sandy to my list of names.....Sarah, Sally, Virginia, Barnes, Miller.... whatever you call me, I'll answer.

Mom, will you please add a quarter to my fund?

Yours Truly,


The Hokansons said...

hahahahahahaha!!! How big is your fund? I think I donated some back while she was out here in November. :-)

Love you!

Shelby and Darby said...

You have been busy! i love all of the new pictures. she is going to be crawling and walking before you know it!

Emily Chappell said...

Next time I see you, I shall sing the song from Grease where Danny is at the drive-in..."Oh Sandy, baaaaaby....someday...."

I am glad you are not Sandy. Then I would think of the ex-SIL all the time. :)