We spent Friday night with John, Christy and Isabella at Bahama Bobs. It's always great to spend time with them and let the girls "play". It's been fun to have friends at the exact same stage (Isabella and Hannah Cate are just about three weeks apart in age).
Saturday we spent the day with friends at The Burton's house on the bay....It's always such a fun time.
We spent lots of time on the porch. Do you see the huge slide in the background? How fun for the kids!
Even Hannah Cate took a turn with Daddy!

Don't think she loved it, two times was plenty for her. Maybe next year!
Hmmmm, was this really for the kids?

The "big" kids had just as much fun!
Saturday night we left Hannah Cate with Nini and Deeda for the night and we headed back up to Fairhope to watch the game at the Steed's house.
Sunday morning it was back to Orange Beach for Ma's 90th Birthday party. When I think about Ma's 90 years on this earth, I think of a woman of such strength. She has buried three children, all under the age of one. Something no parent should ever have to do. I would consider Matt's Dad to be a miracle child and the love that he shares with his Mom is like no other. It was a special time and I hear that there are already plans in the works for her 100th party!
Sunday night we had a nice dinner at home with Nini and Deeda and we all curled up to watch the latest Netflix, State of Play. Good suspense thriller with an all star cast!
Monday it was more fun in the sun with a boat ride and trip to the island....but really, I'm not sure how much fun was actually had. The Steed's boat almost sank and Michael came down with some kind of throw up virus/food poisoning/something or other. We had to cut our outing short, but we would all agree it was an adventure!
And now here we are, home sweet home. Trying to catch up on laundry and all the things that fall behind when you are gone all weekend. The truth is, we wouldn't have it any other way and we love our weekends away!
i had no idea ma was 90!!! thats awesome!! you are right monday was an adventure for sure! I can't help but laugh when we saw Clay and Michael drive by, the boat was almost standing straight up. Clay looked like a hood ornament sitting up front:)
What a great weekend! We really enjoyed seeing you guys too!
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