We started the weekend on Friday with a shower at White Plume (where I work). Here are a few pictures...

Matt got to come to this shower

"Does this diaper make my butt look big?"

Thank you so much!
On Saturday, my closest friends hosted a shower for me. It was so great to see family and friends that I just don't get to see very often! Including my sister, who made a special trip all the way from Oregon for the shower! The shower was perfect with great food and fellowship. A time that I will never forget! Here are a few pictures......

Hannah Cate and I with the spread of food

My hostesses and dearest friends
With my Mom and Emily
My Mom got us the diaper bag and I love it!
I loved this little dress from my friend Ivy!
My friend Jen is so talented and she painted this canvas for the nursery. It's now hanging above her crib and is such a special touch to her nursery. When they brought it out to me at the shower, I could hardly hold back the tears.
We truly have just about everything we need......now we just need a baby to try it all out on! We've hit the 2 month count down and she'll be here before we know it.
I love your cute shirt and white pants. I also love your HC painting! Can't wait to see it all put together. :)
Sally, I'm with Emily, I love the cute top and white pants!! Also love the Hannah Cate painting!! Can't wait to see it up!!
You look adorable!!!! Such a stylish pregnant lady! I can't wait to see the nursery & meet little Hannah Cate!
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