Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday Best

My pretty girl!

After telling her how pretty she is, Mimi (my Mom) always reminds her that "pretty isn't everything" so we are trying to keep her balanced!
But she sure is pretty!

I was making a fuss over Hannah Cate in her new dress yesterday. I think she caught on that she was looking pretty and thought the occassion called for something a little more.

Before I knew it, she had crawled over to the china cabinet and pulled out this Waterford vase...And proceeded to use it like a sippy cup.
"Please Mom, I can't be using that orange plastic cup with this pretty dress and silver bracelet, okay?"

I think we are in for it!


1 comment:

e said...

she is BEAUTIFUL!!! i love her dress too! can't wait to know if she'll have a sister or a brother!