Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday Brunch

We went to Sunday Brunch at The Grand with B and Pops yesterday after church. It's certainly not for the faint of heart (based on the massive amounts of food and the bill that comes at the end) but it's a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. It's worth doing once in your life or maybe every Sunday. We loved our waitress, Kelly (ask for her if you ever go), and she told us that there is a man that has been coming to Sunday Brunch at The Grand for over 20 years! I have no idea how his wallet or waist line can take it, but it must be nice!

Hannah Cate had a great time getting loved on by B and Pops and watching the New Orleans style jazz band that walks around the dining room playing.
She was a little uncertain at first
But then she got to dancing and became their biggest fan

Even adding her own round of applause at the end!

This is her new favorite, she loves to point out and evaluate ears!

You might notice the ever present pink blanket looking thing in all of these pictures. It has become quite the favorite! She has two actually, that can be used interchangeably even though one is a bunny and one is a pig. Matt named the pig, Theodore and we call him Theo for short. I named the bunny and her name is Prissy. I thought with a lovie named Theo we needed something a little more girly! Prissy and Theo are very popular around our house and they even make a public appearance from time to time, especially on days like this when we are pushing the limits on nap time!


1 comment:

Emily Chappell said...

Livin' the high life! YUM-O!! Glad they don't charge for Theo & Prissy... :)