Monday, September 12, 2011

Some times the days are long. All I see are the toys scattered along what seems like every inch of our house and milk splatter stains on my chairs. I hear whining and crying and arguing over one toy among the 500 others. I feel like I've changed a million diapers, all while wiping runny noses and tear stained cheeks.

Really those are just fleeting moments mixed in with some of the sweetest days of our lives.

I look at these pictures and I can feel a tugging in my heart reminding me that I'm really going to miss these days. The coordinating outfits. The pure joy a few bubbles can bring. Sweet sisters holding hands and giggling together. Long afternoons spent playing outside in the yard. Hilarious conversations only possible with a 3 year old, big bear hugs from a 20 month old and sweet smiles from a 9 week old.

An old boss once told me "Sally, you have to take the grease with the gravy". Just a Southerners way of saying you take the good with the bad. And the truth is, there's a lot more good around here than bad.  So I'll take my grease if it means I get a heaping helping of gravy with it!


e said...

I feel like I'm saying the same thing to myself all the time. What is making all this bubbles?!?? We need it! (cause you know we need 501 toys)

Keri said...

Hey Sally! I found your blog through your sister's blog.
You girls are absolutely precious!! Love seeing pictures of them!
Even though, I am a huge bama fan, love the note your husband sent to the teacher...that is too funny!!