Sunday, September 4, 2011

We love our Tigers!

It's that time.....Auburn football and Gameday attire! Thankfully we have a favorite Aunt Janet that keeps us stocked in AU attire!

I'm reminded everytime that I try to take a picture of all three girls together that it's just about impossible!

Oh well, maybe next time!

Hannah Cate says "What happened to #2 and #90? Are we really losing to Utah State?"
We love our Tigers no matter what, but are very thankful that they pulled out their first win of 2011.

We also love our Nini and her Birthday was last week. We celebrated after the game.
She was so gracious to let Hannah Cate help blow out the candles!
This is a pretty great reprensentation of what things are like at Nini and Da's house.....everything revolves around the little girls. They absolutely rule the roost over there!
While I'm on the subject of Auburn.....let me tell a little story about Hannah Cate's teacher and Hannah Cate's Daddy.

Mrs Reid is an Alabama fan.

Matt is an Auburn fan (obviously).

We want Hannah Cate to be an Auburn fan.

Hannah Cate came home one day after school and said to me....."Roll Tide". After I picked my jaw up off the ground, I quickly told her that we don't say those words at our house. I reminded Mrs. Reid the next day at morning drop off that those are not words we say at our house and that she was going to get Hannah Cate sent to time out if she continued her antics.

That same day, here's the letter A "art" project that came home from school:

Pretty blatant if you ask me. Matt couldn't let this one go.

Over the weekend he worked on a little art project of his own and sent it back to Mrs. Reid on Monday with a little note attached:

Fortunately, Mrs. Reid thought it was hilarious and I think Matt has successfully endeared himself to her. I'm sure he's going to have a little something fun coming his way come November!


e said...

Love this so much!!!

Matt, Brady, Sanders, Sawyer, Shephard and Max said... just wet my pants laughing...LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!