Friday, October 31, 2008
1st Halloween
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Breaking the Habit
There's a balance, Mom, and you have always been good at finding it! So, just for you, here's documented proof that we are making progress! Look at those sweet arms all spread out!
Cold Snap
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Her First Meal and a Tribute
And this was her "Okay, that's enough of that" face!
My Mom sent us a sweet little silver spoon for Hannah Cate's first meal that was part of my Grandmama's silver pattern. It's the perfect little spoon for a baby and I feel so grateful and thankful to have it. I loved her so, so much and find myself missing her often these days as I watch Hannah Cate with her grandmothers. She was so kind and loving. The epitome of a Southern Lady. She loved her family, especially all six of her grandchildren. She would do anything for us and loved taking us to the park, shopping, to Baskin Robbins and to get a sucker at the bank where she used to work. Her house was a home and had the most wonderful smell that was so "her". She always had gingerale and saltines waiting for me when I got to her house because I almost always got car sick on the way to her house through the winding roads of Mountain Brook. She had a bubble gum machine at her house and a little basket of dimes so that we could get a piece when we arrived. We always had a Christmas Eve dinner and celebration and an Easter egg hunt at her house every year. She was my friend and such a special lady. I have the fondest memories of her that I will always treasure and look forward to sharing with Hannah Cate someday.
I don't have access to all the family albums down here in Fairhope, so these are two of the best pictures I could come up with of my Grandmama. Of course, she's loving on two of her grandbabies (me in the first and my cousin Betsy in the second). These are really so typical of her though, always taking care of someone else, never really concerned for herself. I'm certainly better for having known her and having been loved by her!

Retail Therapy
"Oh thank you Nini....Mama and Daddy never give me free reign."
"I've actually had my eye on a few new things.....I could really do some damage with this thing!"
"Who me? I would never take advantage of anyone!"
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
So that's what they're for!
I just can't believe how much she's learning and figuring out everyday. It's been such a joy to watch!
Her other new trick is to follow us with her eyes and head when we are walking around her. In this picture I started out on her left side and walked behind her to her right and she followed me all the way around (even stopping to stare at me in the middle as I took her picture). Such a funny girl!
**New Post Below
Terrific Tuesday
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A New Toy
I got such a kick out of her little legs and feet hanging in the air...they can almost touch the bottom, but not quite!
She lasts for about 15 minutes, but we know one day it will provide lots of entertainment!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Four Months!!
Your little hands have become very active this month. You are grabbing onto everything, most commonly my hair! By the time you make it out of this stage, I will be lucky to have one hair left on my head! You love to put your hands in your mouth. Sometimes it's a finger, sometimes a few fingers, sometimes your thumb and at times your whole fist. Often you get carried away and gag yourself, but you don't seem to care because you go right back to chewing on that hand. You are also loving sticking your tongue out and starting to spit/drool a good bit. You are doing so well with holding your head and neck up and sitting up when we are holding you. You like to sit in your Bumbo seat for a little while and do really well laying on your tummy on the Boppy. You love to look at the fish and listen to the music in your little aquarium. You could look at yourself in the mirror for hours. You are such a happy baby and it really is rare that we hear you even cry. I have such mixed emotions because a part of me wants you to stay a tiny baby forever and another part of me loves all of these new stages. I tell your Daddy all the time that it's so hard for me to believe that you won't be a baby forever!
We love you so much baby girl, and cannot imagine our life without you. You have brought us so much joy in four short months. I wouldn't trade you for the world!
I love you so much it hurts!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
This is me being transparent
So, onto my transparency. I'm embarrassed to admit, for a few weeks now, Matt and I have often been walking around smelling like mildew. Yep, I left a load of dark clothes in the wash too long. I've really never done this before, that's because I had my s**t together, but these days it's a mess! After hugging Matt yesterday and realizing he smelled terrible, I finally decided to do something about it. So, in case any one else finds themselves in this same, smelly's how to fix it:
Add distilled white vinegar to the smelly load, along with your normal detergent. I just poured some in, but I would estimate I used about 2-3 cups for a large load. Once it's run the full cycle, wash them again, this time with detergent only. Works like a charm!
My apologies if you caught us on one of our smelly days.
Can you see through me yet?