Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So that's what they're for!

Hannah Cate has finally figured out what her hands are for.....grabbing all the pretty toys she's been staring at for the last four months. It seems like over night she can't keep her hands off whatever is in her reach....toys, Mama's hair, blankets, her clothes. She's working on mastering "what's in my hand, goes in my mouth" but she's not quite there yet. I can tell you that I'm about to invest in some antibacterial wipes for the days that are ahead!

I just can't believe how much she's learning and figuring out everyday. It's been such a joy to watch!
Her other new trick is to follow us with her eyes and head when we are walking around her. In this picture I started out on her left side and walked behind her to her right and she followed me all the way around (even stopping to stare at me in the middle as I took her picture). Such a funny girl!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooooooo so cute and it only gets better!!