Tuesday, October 7, 2008

This is me being transparent

It's never easy to admit that you don't have it all together. Have you seen the movie Definitely, Maybe? It's a cute little movie, I would recommend it if you are in the mood for a light watch. Anyway, there is a line in the movie that Matt and I constantly laugh about. The girl in the movie says to the guy in the movie "Your s**t's a mess!" Well, these days I feel like that guy. (I hope I haven't offended you with my choice word, but again, this is me being transparent.)

So, onto my transparency. I'm embarrassed to admit, for a few weeks now, Matt and I have often been walking around smelling like mildew. Yep, I left a load of dark clothes in the wash too long. I've really never done this before, that's because I had my s**t together, but these days it's a mess! After hugging Matt yesterday and realizing he smelled terrible, I finally decided to do something about it. So, in case any one else finds themselves in this same, smelly situation.....here's how to fix it:

Add distilled white vinegar to the smelly load, along with your normal detergent. I just poured some in, but I would estimate I used about 2-3 cups for a large load. Once it's run the full cycle, wash them again, this time with detergent only. Works like a charm!

My apologies if you caught us on one of our smelly days.

Can you see through me yet?


e said...

that's all you got - smelly laundry? that's me on a good day! come on over and i'll show you what life looks like when your s**t's really a mess! :-)

The Nebrigs said...

Girl, I think smelly laundry happens to me at least once a week!!

Emily Chappell said...

i agree with krista!! glad to know how to fix that from now on...:)

Christy said...

Thanks for the tip! I forget about our laundry on a regular basis!