Thursday, October 2, 2008

Working Mom

I haven't talked much about being back at work, I suppose mostly because it's gone well and there's not all that much to say. I've worked for the same company for nearly six years now. I've had several different positions, all under the same umbrella of sales. My canned response to "What do you do" is that "I sell software to doctor's offices". It's true, that's what I do. When I started working, my territory was 1/3 of the country....Illinois and Indiana all the way over to Washington and Oregon is the way I always used to explain it. So back in the day, I really racked up the frequent flyer miles and hotel points. Fortunately, I've been able to move into a position that doesn't require nearly as much travel. It has been wonderful. Not only am I not traveling as much, but I'm also working completely from home with Hannah Cate there with me. She's a good little office mate.

Today marks my first trip since Hannah Cate was born. I left for Minneapolis first thing this morning before Matt and Hannah Cate were awake and I will get home tomorrow night most likely after they are both sound asleep. I had to fight back the tears as I pulled out of the driveway this morning heading to the airport and again when Matt called to say that she rolled over for the first time tonight. Seriously, how could that happen on the one night that I've been away from her in her entire life? I do suppose that tonight is the first time that I've been a little sad that I'm a working Mom. I hate the thought of missing out on even the little things that she does, much less the major milestone. However, I am so thankful for what this company affords me and for the most part I really do have the best of both worlds.

So, all the way from Minneapolis, I am so proud of my baby girl for finally making it all the way over! Let's make this a one time deal on Mama missing the major milestones though!

And because I don't think a blog posting is quite complete without a picture, here's one of our latest. We've been working on the Bumbo seat. After a few minutes she looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but she's getting the hang of it!


Mimi said...

Wow!! She's been trying to roll over since I was there in August! That's just the way it goes sometimes..kinda like them saying "Dada" first, instead of "Mama"...Go figure...There will be plenty of milestones for you to see firsthand. She was just showing off for her Daddy.
By the way...I know I'm prejudiced, but isn't she the cutest and sweetest baby, ever?
Much luv to you, Matt & Hannah Cate!

Sally Miller said...

I think I'm prejudiced too....but I think she's pretty cute and sweet as well. I'm going to tell her that she needs to soak this time up because pretty soon there will be a baby boy in our family competing for the title! And in case I just scared anyone....I'm not pregnant! I'm talking about my sister's baby that's coming in a few weeks! WHEW!

The Hokansons said...

I'm not looking forward to missing the milestones either. I just imagine little A.J. saying his first word to his daycare teacher. :-( But, we know who really got them to the milestones... their mom & dad! And, I think Hannah Cate can have the title of cutest, sweetest little girl ever and A.J. will of course be the most handsome, sweetest boy. :-) Miss you all!!! I can't believe how big she's getting, and I can't wait to see you all soon!!! Love!!

Christy said...

I'm so sorry you missed it, Sally! I have a feeling I'll miss a lot of firsts. I'm going to tell Isabella's caregivers not to tell me about new things she does, so I won't know I missed it. ;) She'll do it for you again though. She's so precious! I can't wait to see her again!

Courtney said...

She's so precious Sally & if you ever need to chat about "working mom life" please give me a call! I am sure we are feeling the same things as we leave our precious little ones for work!